posted ago by Mrexreturns ago by Mrexreturns +20 / -1


The report details horrors documented such as a two-year-old who was thrown into a septic tank, and a woman being brutally raped after her three-year-old child was decapitated and her husband killed.

Many were killed as they tried to cross the Congo River. Others were burnt alive in their homes, and some survivors had serious burn injuries. In some cases, the attackers mutilated the bodies of their victims, cutting off heads, limbs and genitals.

The investigation concluded that the crimes documented in Yumbi may amount to the crimes against humanity of murder, torture, rape and other forms of sexual violence, as well as persecution.

The report stresses that the violence was facilitated by the absence of State action to prevent it, noting that “provincial authorities appear to have failed in their responsibility to protect the population.” In spite of clear signs of rising tensions and an increased risk of violence, no steps were taken to reinforce security ahead of the attacks.

Remember the goal of Covid is to degrade the image of a human into an animal, which is what actually happens before actual monstrosities begin. It is not a false flag with a realistic due date.

Just imagine that the Covid scamdemic retains indefinitely as a literal New Normal all the way until 2030 or 2040.

Sorta like a Cultural Revolution.

You cannot imagine it before it happens, and human adaptability is UNFIT for these scenarios. But the Cultural Revolution lasted for a decade and the Cambodian Genocide lasted for 4 years. It will not be surprising that the extermination of the civilized man has probably been set up.

So, for starters:

Do you believe that we will end up like the violent animals as stated above?

What I believe is: It will, and if you do not stand up right NOW, your time has almost came. And it seems like that everything will go completely unopposed and/or ignored.