Back in the day this little nugget sparked some of the first debates on deeper aspects regarding our interstellar neighbor.
It's relatively short, only 170p long, and is compiled with most of the "weird" observations and documentations spanning back the last few centuries.
One of the earliest observations was made with a 10 inch telescope in 1587; Reports long-lasting lights (5hrs) on at least two occasions, ("Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society") - (p16),.
Other reports include lights flashing, hovering and moving on the lunar surface. Observations made by Soviets/Russians and Americans and their programs in the last century (with transcripts) are included.
Reviews for more
It wasn't cheap, and to be honest; I'm not quite done with it yet either, but I early realized it's the perfect thing for the Conspiracy Underground.
Either way you look at it; it's a fun read.
I haven't found it anywhere online, and seeing it's re-sell price touch the $150-mark these days, I scanned it.
Follow-up book:
It's colour-scan, 150dpi (scaled down from 300), and 43MB.
I can scale it down some more if anyone finds it too large - just hook me up in the comments.
PS: I don't have a t0rrent account anywhere, so if anybody have one, feel free to upload it somewhere.
I'll be seeding indefinitely, but any help seeding is appreciated.
Virus on the pdf ☹️
Not on my end.
All work has been done manually without interference.
Not nice to spread mistrust like this.
When you click the link to get the pdf, popups happen then virus warnings. Maybe clickbaitr but I can't get the PDF. Spreading truth brutha. Truth.
I'd love to read it and appreciate the effort.
Interesting. New issue. Could it be a setup that don't like anonfiles? (Tor here)
I uploaded it elsewhere if you want to have another go at it:
Yes, I think he's referring to the website. Which is not a virus on the pdf, and the hooplehead was too lazy with language to clarify at first