posted ago by Mrexreturns ago by Mrexreturns +10 / -0

Does anyone actually believe that they will extend the "plandemic" until everyone really goes insane, breaks down and will kill, cannibalize, rape and torture for the sake of?

It's the exact thing that happened in the Great Leap Forward in 1950 and the Cultural Revolution in 1966.

It's 20 straight years of insane manipulation and completely inhospitable conditions both mentally and physically. And it worked because everyone was on board breaking down and eating their own. So why not spread it worldwide?

Alas if the narrative wanes (assuming if most people didn't break down and eat their own by a decade of masks, social distancing and vaccine shams that have nothing to do with a pandemic) they could easily pretend to break up the narrative and regain trust by rebuilding the economy. China is now an Ultra Nationalist Dictatorship with a Communist banner on its head.

So any doubt that what awaits next is people losing all humanity and killing and eating their own in the name of a new normal?