Why does left-ism work? Because of consent to right-ism.
What creates all conflicts? Consent to belief leads to conflict of reason (truth versus false), while contradiction are being sued to sustain those conflicts (talmudic reasoning). Why? Because all conflicts are fictitious and therefore based on the ignorance of reality (motion) through consent to beleif (fiction).
In reality left and right are defined by each others coexistence within ALL motion, which places ONEself at the balance in-between with the free will of choice to either adhere to the struggle of balance (survial aka self sustenance) or ignore it for the temptation of selfishness.
Now how did they establish the left vs right divide? They offered voting aka representation of self through consent to another, which in reality represents ignorance towards the sole authority over self (free will of choice).
And what symbolism did they offer for the vote? Making an X (death) into a Square (prison) aka consent to death by slavery, and to trick the majority to not comprehend this they offered government aka "govern mind" aka mind control through suggestion.
Nature (energy in motion) represents forward motion aka the natural order, and what does forward motion create? Momentum within motion aka balance in motion aka resistance to forward motion aka chaos. We are within "chaos", which is what allows us to mimic "order", which within energy represents the communication between ALL potentiality and each ONE potential through resonance.
How can ONE resonate with ALL? Through consent by free will of choice to adhere to self sustenance within ALL.
SUBSCRI'BE, verb transitive [Latin subscribo; sub and scribo, to write.] - "to give consent to something written".
Nature does not use words to communicate information; it uses inspiration. Don't believe (consent) to proclaimed words; instead use words as inspiration for self.
Nature wrote you into existence, while giving you the pen (ONEs free will of choice) and paper (ALL in existence) to write your own story.
Seems most- so called left/right of government/politicians are the face of moloch. Never mind how many celebrity/major pastors, high profile people are also involved in sacrifice to moloch and pedophilia. We would be shocked if we found out the real list of who is involved
Why does left-ism work? Because of consent to right-ism.
What creates all conflicts? Consent to belief leads to conflict of reason (truth versus false), while contradiction are being sued to sustain those conflicts (talmudic reasoning). Why? Because all conflicts are fictitious and therefore based on the ignorance of reality (motion) through consent to beleif (fiction).
In reality left and right are defined by each others coexistence within ALL motion, which places ONEself at the balance in-between with the free will of choice to either adhere to the struggle of balance (survial aka self sustenance) or ignore it for the temptation of selfishness.
Now how did they establish the left vs right divide? They offered voting aka representation of self through consent to another, which in reality represents ignorance towards the sole authority over self (free will of choice).
And what symbolism did they offer for the vote? Making an X (death) into a Square (prison) aka consent to death by slavery, and to trick the majority to not comprehend this they offered government aka "govern mind" aka mind control through suggestion.
Nature (energy in motion) represents forward motion aka the natural order, and what does forward motion create? Momentum within motion aka balance in motion aka resistance to forward motion aka chaos. We are within "chaos", which is what allows us to mimic "order", which within energy represents the communication between ALL potentiality and each ONE potential through resonance.
How can ONE resonate with ALL? Through consent by free will of choice to adhere to self sustenance within ALL.
Nature does not use words to communicate information; it uses inspiration. Don't believe (consent) to proclaimed words; instead use words as inspiration for self.
Nature wrote you into existence, while giving you the pen (ONEs free will of choice) and paper (ALL in existence) to write your own story.
Seems most- so called left/right of government/politicians are the face of moloch. Never mind how many celebrity/major pastors, high profile people are also involved in sacrifice to moloch and pedophilia. We would be shocked if we found out the real list of who is involved