posted ago by Call_me_Titty ago by Call_me_Titty +44 / -0

This is a Brookings propaganda piece, primarily funded by bill + melinda gates foundation: https://archive.is/5ZdJq

Original article: https://archive.is/A8AgB

referenced "study": https://archive.is/xHSaa

A recent study finds that in fact, Christian nationalism is the strongest predictor of xenophobic views of COVID-19, and the effect of Christian nationalism is greater among white respondents, compared to Black respondents.

They actually believe blacks are attacking Asians ONLY because the white man started anti- Asian racism. It's so in their face, but I have to show you, these people aren't larping (some at the top, of course, are) but they ACTUALLY believe this.

What underlying ideologies help to account for the far-right’s repeated xenophobic explanations and solutions to the COVID-19 crisis and the callous indifference or victim-blaming against disproportionately infected poorer minorities and prison populations? Using numerous measures of racist and xenophobic interpretations regarding COVID-19 and a panel design that allowed us to determine temporal ordering between the theorized variables of interest, we document that Christian nationalist ideology was far and away the leading predictor of Americans’ holding racist and xenophobic interpretations of COVID-19. This is true even after considering a host of sociodemographic, religious, and political characteristics.

Annnnd, the first line of the conclusion section is a question because this is not a study.

After all that pretend science, they wrap it up with a 100% fabricated cherry on top.

As we enter the second year of the COVID-19 pandemic, we are seeing signs that all Americans—especially Black and Asian Americans—are reimagining what community safety, interracial solidarity, and restorative justice could look like."

They actually believe this stuff guys.

We are entering into tribal times. How do we stop this?