First Rothschild and co used whites to colonize 3rd world countries and stole from those countries. Now the same people are facilitating immigration of 3rd world people and stealing from whites in the form of taxes for dole outs but pocketing a lot of it in the middle. Bankers are playing on both sides and are winning since long.They don't mind bloodshed in the world as long as they are making money.
Edit : During colonization indigenous people were labelled as savages. Now during mass illegal immigration, whites are labelled as trash.
Colonization and Immigration are both terms used to cover up miscegenation, which corrupts human comprehension of reality by targeting the inspiration the segregation of differences creates.
The highest value in existence is ONEs ability to evaluate ALL. Money was introduced as a substitute to undermine that, which was followed by usury to allow the consolidation of all value attached to the substitute of money into the hands of the few who control the belief system called money.
Both 3rd and 1st world terminology were designed by the usury cartel (usury creates; maintains and exploits world wide poverty as an operating ground for all criminal rackets) to utilize against each other, to make all into 2nd class slaves to the usury cartel.