So folks are asking why the volume of content here is fairly low...but honestly has anyone been comparing our volume to other places like /r/conspiracy and 4chan?
Every "controversial" forum is seeing a marked decrease in content, and at record levels.
For example, I just checked out /r/conspiracy/new, and on the first page (25 links) it goes back 3 hours. I don't think I've ever seen that. IOW, in the last 3 hours, there have only been 25 posts on /r/conspiracy. Sure it's Sunday morning, but lately I frequently see the front page of /new go back 2 hours even during peak time.
In addition, /pol had a thread the other day saying the volume of posts there is at a record low in the last several years.
I personally think 60-90% of the fevered activity leading up to the election (and in the aftermath) was bot activity, and they were just shut off.
But something else is happening.../r/conspiracy is eerily quieter than it's been in half a decade.
Is something coming, or did something already come?
I agree on the bots theory and the reduction matter. When I open r/all revisiting after a big chunk of the day, I notice that there's nothing new except a few minor things. There are a very few new /rpol posts and the volume has dropped radically.
It always seemed, pre-election, that the space was filled with agents and not real people. Now that they captured the election they just don't want to spend money on bots and agents. I am guessing that Obama's budget for this has been reduced as being seen as not needed anymore by TPTB.