Opinion update: We can all have our own opinions, ignore anyone who tells you different. Now many have said (including myself) that Big Mike is a tranny - I don't think that's true. I think he's a middle-aged crossdresser and him and Barack are just really in character for a game of Mommies and Daddies they started as young adults. They're dedicated actors, that's for sure!
I learned about the ratio which is 100% effective in distinguishing transgendered people from normal people (explained below) and it's hilarious!
They're all over the US gov, hollyweird, porno - I just realised Emma Watson is a dude and LOLd hard.
They're everywhere! Even 'female icons' who people like me wouldn't consider checking against the ratio for years
Head-to-shoulder width ratio is 3.0 for men and 2.5 for women, this means if you look at a dude or Big Mike or 'Emma' Watson in a non-angled photo (angles is one of the ways they hide themselves) the width of their head ear-to-ear is 1/3 of their shoulder width, i.e 3 heads would be exactly the width.
Women are 2.5 so if you measure their head width and extend it will go past their shoulders by a 1/4 head.
This is based on chromosomes and is the only method besides a DNA sample to 100% prove their real gender.
If you're a 'broad-shouldered' woman you've a broad head too (2.5), are morbidly obese (2.55-2.6) or are a transgendered woman.
This ratio is white washed from the entire internet - "head to shoulder width ratio"=0 results, not on Wikipedia or that alternative Wikipedia galacticwhatever.
Ignore confirmation bias and do your own research. Bitchute has plenty of videos, the diagram of the ratio is available by duckduckgo images and the transgendered will never have clear photos of their extended large hands, uncovered muscly neck/arms and their hairstyle is always used to cover male skull shape.
They have near unlimited funds, the best surgeons, makeup artists, 'reporters', photographers, clothes, etc. in the world. We're talking HRT and sex reassignment from birth, updating the genitals with silicon and/or 'donated' from someone with the same skin tone and blood type, waist shrunk by removing ribs, fat and even muscular tissue, Adams apple removed of course, implants for thighs, ass, breasts, lips, hips, etc.
Obvious ones I think most have heard of for you to research as a starting point are Madonna, Michele Obama, Lady Gaga, Beyonce.
Edit: Every time a post like this is made, half the (rapid and often impassionate or crude) comments are from questionable accounts trying to discredit it. Ignore the probably shills and doubters and research it yourselves.
I don't doubt that some people genuinely doubt it because it seems crazy, but the timing of certain user's responses has me thinking a shill group chat may have linked this post.
The reason for this topic being such a priority to discredit should be obvious, if it gets out that many of our elite are transgender, it will degrade the NWo's power, chance of winning and worst of all - hurt their feelings and trigger their cognitive dissonance.
If that's the case help me out and let's spread this info and alert people to the shills, Streisand effect hasn't led us astray yet.
Update: The timing of responses, character of users as assessed by nasty comments (motives as assesed by what they're shooting down), 2 users linking the same bs 'LiSt oF fAkE cOnSpIrAcIeS' thread and number of other factors has me convinced this post got linked to a shill group chat.
They did this to us on Reddit, and now they're doing the same to us here - trying to stop the proofs to the biggest conspiracies getting out.
Why would normal and healthy critical thinkers who are actually part of our community be so aggressive and active against this little-known (by design) theory? - They wouldn't.
God, you're fucking retarded.
You don't need an argument when the original post is what you're responding to. It's non-factual, paranoid garbage. The OP has some issues with his sexuality he needs to work out. I'm sure you do, too.
Your just a bigoted racist and transphobe.be better.
Please try to speak English, dude. You're lucky I'm even responding to you.
Nobody intellectually-honest and capable of critical thinking who has looked into Big Mike doesn't believe it.
Your crude language is unnecessary, just say 'I have too much confirmation bias' and this conspiracy is too deep in the clown world for me to believe it despite it being scientifically provable, and then move on.
Attack the argument with logic, not the speaker with basic strawman cussing. Lol.
Edit: checked your other comments, so this is your shill account to feel big, curse and attack anons, etc? Go reclaim your soul from Satan and get off our forum you scared cabal noob.
Youre either lost or are here to spread bullshit. There's no evidence for any of it.
'List of fake conspiracies' sounds a lot like 'list of conspiracies we don't want you to believe'.
Why did you guys bother following us from Reddit?
Get a life.
There's no evidence for anything you're saying. Post a picture of michelle obama's thick black cock or shut your dick-hole.
This is one truth they never want getting out, at all costs.
It would lose them too much power, and they don't want to be exposed. Compromised thread.
Investigate ratios.
3.0 = XY Male 2.5 = XX Female
Funny that whenever someone posts about this 1-4 people appear to discredit, to stop people posting and researching it, almost like it's a truth they want to prevent being exposed.
3.0 = XY Male 2.5 = XX Female
Is there a picture of michelle obama's veiny black dick somewhere in all this nonsense? I asked for proof. The fuck is this?
Wow for once we agree. Haha!
How do you explain her in yoga pants with no bulge you DUMB FUCKING CUNT? Just a tuck? But no, loose pants flapping and Joan fucking washed up Rivers is proof?
You're a fucking idiot and a disgrace to humanity. Get fucked asshole.
Good one, great logic, you fucking dumb piece of shit.
You pointing to a perceived debunk does not debunk all the evidence. In this case it could be many things, CGI of original video (like they have since done with the Elen video), tuck, snip-snip, etc.
I think you're projecting with the 'disgrace to humanity' bit, maybe your subconscious is trying to tell you something?
Please stop shilling for NWO and go for a walk or something.
Ahhh, the everything that disproves my theory is fake. Bold move Cotton, I didn't see that one coming!
Keep living in your little sad fucking fantasy land. You're pathetic and honestly need help if this is what you focus your efforts on. I mean, for fucks sakes, do something with your fucking life rather than investigate suspected celebrity transsexuals.
Say it out loud.
I'm going now because I feel fucking embarrassed that the human race has evolved to the point that you can exist.
There's a kneejerk conservative paranoia about women being men. Look within and ask yourself why that might be. There's nothing "intellectual" or "honest" about it.
Why is it a paranoia, is the fear unfounded?
Would it be unreasonable for lesbians to be paranoid about sleeping with a biological male, who identifies as a woman?
Not wanting to get duped or tricked, in an incredibly intimate environment makes copious amounts of sense, and calling it paranoia seems a little over the top
I started saying 'he's a dude' anytime I spotted them while watching TV with a cultist leftwing relative. She got really angry, though this particular Karen is likely a sociopath so it was fake.
Anyway I explained ratios in soundbites "biologically determined, can't fake" Vs "your little theory" and then stopped. Later in show she likely noticed masculine features while trying to determine if they were indeed transgender (Dawsons creek, gay director) and later said "even if you're right, it's very transphobic to misgender and expose them, they're women".
Just an insight into the mind of my relative and a potential explanation for the cognitive dissonance of the above shill.
Also a phobia is something which is irrationally feared, and it's not irrational to fear marrying an infertile and mentally unwell dude, that powerful and influential people may be satanic and mentally unwell (generational Satanists transition some males as rite to baphomet, God knows what they do that there's a tiny minority in their families of real females).
A cultural fear of homosexuality is well-founded and wholly-rational, they have higher instances of neuroticism, appear to be created from hormonal imbalance in he womb and/or child abuse/neglect and have higher instances of pedophilia, diseases, rape, etc. (Statistics on a societal level).
Homosexual activity led to greater evils such as pedophilia, rape, beastiality orgies, etc. in ancient Rome and other cultures. It's the gateway degeneracy in societies heading towards total collapse(control by Satanists). They say Rome wasn't built in a day - well it didn't fall in a day either. The people did all the above, ate luxury food, let the poor starve, undervalued their military (lost of marital culture and legions started losing to germanics) and only cared for evil and hedonism.
Also Al-Qaida and radical Muslims are dangerous, so islamophobia is another nonsensical word with no logical foundation.
If "biological males pretending to be women" were like %0.005 of the population. Yeah, pretty unreasonable.
Seems like it comes from a place of insecurity.
Sorry, but no normal person is going around in fear that the woman they're about to sleep with is actually a man. This paranoia makes even less sense when projected onto public figures that they're in no danger of sleeping with. It's just some manufactured Conservative talking about.
Oh look, it's the autistic virgin.
You need to stop being such a sexist and just accept diversity.