I had to watch good morning America hour 3 at work (the lunchtime hour) and their Dr. Ashton, the chief medical propagandist for ABC, in the context of immunity and covid, literally encouraged viewers to NOT take vitamin D3 supplements bc “you just don’t know what’s in them and there haven’t been enough studies, nothing proves those supplements actually help your immunity” meanwhile pushing the vaccines of course! Backwards clown world in every single detail of this BS. I will actually look for a video of it cause it’s the most ironic thing I’ve seen lately.
I had to watch good morning America hour 3 at work (the lunchtime hour) and their Dr. Ashton, the chief medical propagandist for ABC, in the context of immunity and covid, literally encouraged viewers to NOT take vitamin D3 supplements bc “you just don’t know what’s in them and there haven’t been enough studies, nothing proves those supplements actually help your immunity” meanwhile pushing the vaccines of course! Backwards clown world in every single detail of this BS. I will actually look for a video of it cause it’s the most ironic thing I’ve seen lately.