For the racist right wing safe space you've cultivated. On no other mainstream conspiracy site can I get the daily news on kikes and niggers that I truly deserve, and how libtards are evil.
You guys have been so welcoming and polite and friendly since I've come here.
You should be proud, you've done a great thing building this hateful, xenophobic, racist, bigoted echo chamber with such great comments as: "She's from the tribe. Wonder how many kikes are second guessing project nigger-golem to destroy the white race right now. They're not going to understand you're "not white" and spare you."
White power my friends, white power!
We don't, and I've only banned one person for spamming.
Are you sure that's why you were banned?
We do.
I've already told you that I'm a Voluntaryist (Anarcho-Capitalist).
Shut up you big meanie face :(
Go look through the logs, check my posts from 20 days ago, the last time I was banned. Then tell me that was justified. You can go around being racist and spreading hate, but the 5 posts I made that day were ban worthy? Please.
From the logs, then check my posts that day. Maybe YOU aren't, banning people for their opinions, that was always an Axo thing. The jury is still out on you. But you two mods should get together and sort out what you actually stand for. Then let us know.
20 days ago axolotl_peyotl banned user WrestlingWithFreedom -