Lefties are incapable of learning anything because they already know everything. Good news, though: the fake vaccine for the fake virus should trim their numbers.
I've looked into it and, IMHO, there's no way to make nuclear energy safe. Plants are specifically designed to contaminate their environs with radioactive water, which then seeps into the aquifers. Not to mention, there is simply nowhere to dispose of the radioactive waste where it won't eventually get into the environment.
Lefties are incapable of learning anything because they already know everything. Good news, though: the fake vaccine for the fake virus should trim their numbers.
I've looked into it and, IMHO, there's no way to make nuclear energy safe. Plants are specifically designed to contaminate their environs with radioactive water, which then seeps into the aquifers. Not to mention, there is simply nowhere to dispose of the radioactive waste where it won't eventually get into the environment.
Laser to send power down to earth? What paragons of virtue are you going to find to run this huge space weapon?
We can't even find enough honest folks to run a clean election.