The act of civilizing, or the state of being civilized; the state of being refined in manners, from the grossness of savage life and improved in arts and learning.
The act of rendering a criminal process civil.
Yes, humans were "civilized" by the false authority of others; ever since they started to ignore sole authority over self, and that "criminal process was rendered civil" by tricking the ignorant to believe in the idol called "civilization"; educated into them as part of his-story aka the lie agreed upon by those who farm the ignorant through suggestion aka contracts of belief aka offer towards consent by free will of choice.
As long as ONE ignores the reality of ALL for the offer of another (((one))), so long can the other add fictitious information to ONEs beliefs. Endlessly suggesting fiction to fill up ONEs belief of past, present and future. The news suggest what will happen; history suggests what did happen and society suggests what happens..."just consent to ignore reality, goy".
Calling out words as a corruption of communication; beliefs as consented to fiction in ignorance of reality; and constantly warning about idolatry making one a slave to the will of others...does that sound like as if the next step is to brand a religion to gather idol worshipers?
come up with; are inventing
ONE can only create out of ALL already in existence; not come up with something new (invention). Try it...creation without using inspiration. Good luck.
You may have noticed that I strip away every complexity I can to leave the ignorant confronted with the simplest contradictions to their belief based (fictitious) comprehension of reality.
This isn't about getting others to believe anything; it's about finding the correct inspiration so that others allow themselves to comprehend the reality they choose to ignore.
Here's one for you...can ONE act without setting the action into motion? Is breathing an action?
CIVILIZATION, noun [See Civilize.]
The act of civilizing, or the state of being civilized; the state of being refined in manners, from the grossness of savage life and improved in arts and learning.
The act of rendering a criminal process civil.
Yes, humans were "civilized" by the false authority of others; ever since they started to ignore sole authority over self, and that "criminal process was rendered civil" by tricking the ignorant to believe in the idol called "civilization"; educated into them as part of his-story aka the lie agreed upon by those who farm the ignorant through suggestion aka contracts of belief aka offer towards consent by free will of choice.
As long as ONE ignores the reality of ALL for the offer of another (((one))), so long can the other add fictitious information to ONEs beliefs. Endlessly suggesting fiction to fill up ONEs belief of past, present and future. The news suggest what will happen; history suggests what did happen and society suggests what happens..."just consent to ignore reality, goy".
come up with a name for the religion
Calling out words as a corruption of communication; beliefs as consented to fiction in ignorance of reality; and constantly warning about idolatry making one a slave to the will of others...does that sound like as if the next step is to brand a religion to gather idol worshipers?
come up with; are inventing
ONE can only create out of ALL already in existence; not come up with something new (invention). Try it...creation without using inspiration. Good luck.
You may have noticed that I strip away every complexity I can to leave the ignorant confronted with the simplest contradictions to their belief based (fictitious) comprehension of reality.
This isn't about getting others to believe anything; it's about finding the correct inspiration so that others allow themselves to comprehend the reality they choose to ignore.
Here's one for you...can ONE act without setting the action into motion? Is breathing an action?