Reports have been coming out that "insurrectionists" had ties to FBI.
This got me thinking...
Doesn't the FBI align politically with Obama?
And then I realized it. Back when they were doing relief bills for COVID19 there were line items providing money to "Continuity of Operations". Are they giving money to Obama?
Have a look here:
Since the days of the Cold War, the United States has had a plan in place to continue the operation of the government following a catastrophic attack on the nation's capital.
Isn't the media pushing a catastrophic attack on the nation's capital/capitol right now, as we speak?
Did Obama seize power using the FBI to stage the Capitol attack and trigger Continuity of Government where he would regain control of parts of the government just when election fraud was about to be challenged publicly?
By the way, it seems like this whole COG / FEMA thing was installed with this very purpose, to allow an usurper to hijack the US government by staging a false flag attack. Look into how they used COG during 9/11, after the US government authorized and allowed an attack to be carried out on itself.
build a system that allows emergency control (hijacking) of the US gov
wait a while...
carry out a false flag attack on yourself to get #1 going
Obama is an empty suit. He and the FBI are complicit with their puppet master's agenda though. China and the globalists are using all of their power and money to destroy the heart of America.
Getting back to the Capital attack, it was definitely orchestrated and instigated by the deep state. The globalist controlled MSM is the tool that drives their engine.
Obama is a globalist puppet no doubt, but he has executive powers within the US government. That is how they (globalist/deep state) seized power.
Remember when Obamagate never made a splash?
P.S. editing posts here at .win seems to be broken and it's very annoying. Do they need help fixing this or what?
Editing a comment will strip double line breaks and force them to single line breaks, I have to put them back in. This might have something to do with the markdown not parsing double line breaks correctly.
After making a post/comment or editing one, the page reloads with the old comment until it is refreshed. This is an issue with caching probably.