On a similar wavelength.
Laws are fake and gay.
Sports is Pro-Wrestling.
Do people really think the NFL is not just as fake and gay as Wrestlemania?
Government is just legalized crime.
Seems like the best that could be done would be understand the game enough to get a little fiat out, enough for some land, before normies realize the reason stonks are going up is because the fed connected their money printer directly to wall street last year.
On a similar wavelength.
Laws are fake and gay.
Sports is Pro-Wrestling.
Do people really think the NFL is not just as fake and gay as Wrestlemania?
Government is just legalized crime.
Seems like the best that could be done would be understand the game enough to get a little fiat out, enough for some land, before normies realize the reason stonks are going up is because the fed connected their money printer directly to wall street last year.