79 Go check for yourself -- Official federal government and military twitter accounts NSA, FEMA, USNAVY, USAirforce, USMarines, USArmy, USNationalGuard *ALL* follow @POTUS45 (Trump)...*DO NOT* follow @POTUS or @JoeBiden posted 4 years ago by axolotl_peyotl 4 years ago by axolotl_peyotl +81 / -2 Something's rotten in the state of DC... 14 comments share 14 comments share save hide report block hide replies
This is really weird. It’s not earth shattering but it’s definitely indicative of something strange going on.
Massive message to the public this. Even for appearances sake they could follow it. This is a clear message they do not accept China Joe as president.
They clearly DO accept XOE XIDEN because.. well hate to break it to you.. he's the current sitting president.
The gov clearly did everything they could to install sleepy joe.
Proof is in the fucking pudding.. wake the fuck up.
I hope that you will be pleasantly surprised in the future.
Hope so too.. but won't hold my breath.
Everything is ALWAYS a let down.
Government is not military
Cool.. remind me who the Commander in Chief of all the armed forces is again?
Means as little as Kamala Harris unfollowing Joe Biden for a day before it was announced she was VP.
Meanwhile most of the dirty yiddish gypsy army is constantly shitposting about lying cheating and stealing everywhere about anything as that's mostly their only occupation... what a world!!!