I'm not sure what else to call it at this point other than a deep fake presidency.
The longer they attempt to maintain this charade (for whatever reason), the more the evidence of fuckery will start piling up.
Let's start making a list of anomalies, discrepancies, and outright fabrications that we've found so far.
I can think of a lot of plausible answers..
Real oval office is probably bugged. I wouldn't be surprised if they decided to strip the place and rebuild it before using the space.
Executive orders not listed on a website? Meaningless.
Hunters plea deal? Hes a pedo, meth head, incestuous snake of no value. Of course he's got a 'plea bargain'.. Its called get out of jail free.
Pelosi comes from a crime family. Her dad was a gangster and her brother enjoyed group sports like raping underage boys..
Pence is Deepstate all day long. Or do we call him Brutus?
If you want to EXPOSE BIDEN : He's an Israeli Shill. THEY ALL ARE. Keep pointing it out. (I KNOW you are NOT allowed to, you HAVE to though).
They signed promissory notes to Israel BEFORE they were in office. (this is a FACT, and several have spoken about it. No AIPAC loyalty = you have no campaign apparently).
Israel OWNS America. Because 9/11 they co-opted the crime of the century and they have dirt on ALL the accomplices.
ISRAEL is over-represented in ALL our most important national infrastructures by over 3500%
Antisemitism is a tool used by Satan to divide people.