posted ago by conconcon ago by conconcon +11 / -8

Just hold on a little longer. In 4 years Trump can run again, despite the massive voter fraud Trump loses with a total of 400m votes casted and we can wait again for the plan on inauguration day.

Good thing Biden is in power right now and Trump didn't do anything about voter fraud in the 4 years he ran president. We need to get them in the middle of an even bigger voter fraud scandal to really get them. Of course when Biden gets inaugurated again don't worry it's all part of the plan.

That was my post.

And yeah the goal posts are moving day in day out. They are deluded at this point. I could see it until the Obamagate stuff kept getting pushed back indefinitely. Also the Trump pardons made it seem like he was on his way out of course could've been cause of military intervention and Trump not being president but that's irrelevant now.

There is no point in voting. Trump is part of the act of treason. It's all over.