Day isn't over yet. Nonetheless, I thought there would be more antics, as they definitely didn't bring in a full-blown standing army for no reason. And don't tell me they truly feared "insurrectionists"...
I think the simple answer is it gave them additional protection (which they needed, because they are not popular, but not that damn much...), while supplying an excuse for the cricket show that would be the inauguration.
Day isn't over yet. Nonetheless, I thought there would be more antics, as they definitely didn't bring in a full-blown standing army for no reason. And don't tell me they truly feared "insurrectionists"...
I think the simple answer is it gave them additional protection (which they needed, because they are not popular, but not that damn much...), while supplying an excuse for the cricket show that would be the inauguration.
The way they played it up and are still playing it up is plenty for the media.
There was a bomb threat supposedly. Maybe they made a mistake and set one off in Spain instead.
I was expecting a "crazed lone gunman" who "just happens" to support Trump. I truly hope that as the day ends, I've been proved a fool.
Are you disappointed? What kind of sick monster...?
Any day now, trust the plan, etc.