I've currently saw 2 things about what Covid actually is so far, but we can agree that there is literally a deadly virus made in a Wuhan Lab and this is the real Covid, everything else is a control attempt.
The two theories are:
- A less lethal strain of Covid is spread to rationalize control, mixed with both real or false cases.
- The virus doesn't exist right now and the numbers are all typed like this: 50000 infected/10000 deaths a day.
What do you believe it is?
I believe in 2. but it's literally driving me insane. I can't even keep myself sane thinking about living in conditions like this, nowhere to run, 30+ years straight because the numbers are placed on a random number generator for no reason other than driving us insane.
Perhaps if I did believe 1. I'll be able to stitch myself in 2 pieces, at least I could expect a realistic end date. But that would be too foolish of me.
it was an MK ultra operation, to cause massive psychological trauma, that makes humans easily manipulated. (which is also called near-death experience)
Masks never worked, its a face diaper as a sign of compliance. Healthy people should never wear them, only some dude with a fever that looks unhealthy and is coughing, should wear a mask to reduce the spits and droplets that fly out of his mouth all around the room, when he sneezes and coughs.
There is no asymptomatic transition, that was a fake excuse to any question that society would ask about the covid being legit or not.
The FLU was completely removed from statistics, which is why all of the deaths that you see, is from the good old FLU from all the previous years, he THE FLU came back, and all death from it were registered as covid.
Also wearing a mask all the time, causes you to inhale the bacteria forming on the mask every single day, in the long-term forming a bacterial pneumonia in your lungs causing you to die, and then registered as COVID death.
Ironic isnt it? You wear a mask, to die from that mask. Beautiful.
And eventually if you are a healthy person, you have zero chances to catch the FLU (i mean covid) i would even say, the more you fucking eat dirt and breath air all around without a mask, the stronger your immune system gets its like a muscle that needs to be trained.
I never put on a mask during the entire pandemic (only when i was forced, for example i couldnt enter a shop, so i had to put it on, but i would never put it on my nose, i would allways breath with my nose, not mouth, which is pretty much the same as NOT having a mask) and i have never had any illness, and non of my family members ever got infected.
Ofc you hear the indoctrinated NPC's scream ITS REAL! without the MASK you are in danger!
But trust me, the MK ultra operation of mind control through media (mockinbird) cannot last that long, its going to wear off pretty quickly in 2021.
I hope so and it will (probably) happen, but they will probably just make the vaccines widespread and vanish it into thin air.