I once had massive respect of the man, but as I dug deeper into who was responsible for the massive movement of third worlders into Europe and North America all the sign pointed to zionist, and bankers of a certain tribe such as Soros and the Rothschilds. I now see Tommy as someone who was used by zionists to drive a wedge between muslims and Westerners. Tommy is a self-admitted zionist.
I joined his Telegram recently and after commenting was opened-up I discovered his feed is highly moderated, controlled and posts are checked before they are even allowed to be shown.
He had a lot of BLM/race conflict related posts, and I eventually posted about Susan Rosen, Thousand Currents, links to Zimbawean and South African communist organisations and their jewish funding; as well as jewish involvement in the founding of BLM. I was immediately banned from commenting further.
Tommy Robinson is a zionist tool who I no longer have a shred of trust in. Islam could be one of our most useful allies in the fight against zionism; which is the root of the vast majority our political corruption and censorship in this era.
If you don't agree, feel free to discuss what I have written.
Whatever you say, Ahmed.
Didn't expect to see Mohammed-lovers around here.