posted ago by axolotl_peyotl ago by axolotl_peyotl +73 / -6

I don't even know what to say.

Their decision to "permanently suspend" me and remove me from the /r/conspiracy mod team last week actually generated MSM headlines slandering me and my entire decade-long body of work on /r/conspiracy.

It also resulted in a full-scale digital lynching of me on reddit, including thousands of comments maligning me and many dozens (at least) calling for violence and doxxing against me and my family.

And then "boom" it's lifted? Immediately after the ban I appealed. Apparently 2 days ago I received this message (I hadn't signed in yet to read my messages):

Hello, Thank you for your appeal. We have reviewed your request and have lifted your suspension.

And that's that? Are you kidding me with this?

So many people said I was a serial TOS violator, and yet literally they just let me back in like that?

Will I get apologies from ANYONE? What about the /r/conspiracy mod team? AATA kinda stood up for me but then allowed a hate-filled brigaded thread remain pinned WHERE IT STILL IS (and now it's officially inaccurate, because I'm back).

But the others? The /r/conspiracy regulars? Where were the threads and comments defending me? I spend 10 years of my life dedicated to that forum, I get unceremoniously removed and BANNED, and there was literally crickets 2 days later.

Again, I'm not trying to elicit sympathy here, I'm actually pretty pissed off.

I'm glad I had this experience. I'm legit grateful that I have access to my reddit account again, but I am NEVER going to give my energy to something that can chew me up and spit me out like that.

conspiracies.win FTW