I'd say the 90% of the establishment politicians are what we'd call deep state. They're in it to be elites, to "rule over the common folk" and get rich. I'd say anyone that thinks the government and politicians, including Biden, have your best interests at heart is either naive, or willfully ignoring the things they've done and the laws they've passed. Do I think they'd rig an election to get what they want accomplished? Absolutely. I'd put nothing past them. Remember this is the government that's experimented on its own citizens, put our troops into wars to line their own pockets, and stoked rage to get rioters to hurt other citizens. They'll stop at nothing.
I'd say the 90% of the establishment politicians are what we'd call deep state. They're in it to be elites, to "rule over the common folk" and get rich. I'd say anyone that thinks the government and politicians, including Biden, have your best interests at heart is either naive, or willfully ignoring the things they've done and the laws they've passed. Do I think they'd rig an election to get what they want accomplished? Absolutely. I'd put nothing past them. Remember this is the government that's experimented on its own citizens, put our troops into wars to line their own pockets, and stoked rage to get rioters to hurt other citizens. They'll stop at nothing.