posted ago by InalienableTruth ago by InalienableTruth +16 / -16

I had a zoom call hosted by about 8 people who were at the capitol during the protest. I have known some of them since high school so I trust their word. They echoed what we are hearing about DC police agitating the crowd with rubber bullets and tear gas, not hold a line but firing randomly in the crowds. There were also other agitators telling the crowd to rush via mega phone. There were multiple stories of other individual agitaters. Nothing new there. There were 3 things that I have not heard before. 1 the capitol was breeched before Trump finishes his speech and the Capitol building is 1.5 miles from his speech. 2 there were only 3 portopotties for the 1 to 3 million people they claim to have been there. And 3 this is the weirdest claim and why I am posting. Multiple people in their group claim to have pictures, before the breech, showing 2 figures on the left of the building and 2 figures on the right wearing what they described as red cloaks. They did not share those pictures but have stated they will soon. Anyone know anything about this? The figures were not in with the protesters.