A lot of us have jobs and careers that rely on 21st century framework, little guy. We're not all 14 years old, yelling down from our room for mommy to bring up ketchup for the chicken nuggets.
That’s what he said. That doesn’t answer the question. That’s just a bunch of personal attacks.
That's a fucking answer. Regardless of how it makes you feel.
If you would like to contribute to the conversation, feel free to start anytime. If not then go hang out in the flat earth thread with that cock smoker pulling the same bitch ass tactics.
That’s what he said. That doesn’t answer the question. That’s just a bunch of personal attacks.
That's a fucking answer. Regardless of how it makes you feel.
If you would like to contribute to the conversation, feel free to start anytime. If not then go hang out in the flat earth thread with that cock smoker pulling the same bitch ass tactics.