I was speaking with my friend the other day, and neither of us can understand how so many people fell for Trump's pied piper routing. The guy comes off as a completely unlikable asshole and a bit of a moron to say the least, yet he has enough charisma to somehow get people so riled up that they are crying for witch burnings, even of the Vice President of the United States and cocaine Mitch who both had his back for 4 years.
I agree totally.
I was speaking with my friend the other day, and neither of us can understand how so many people fell for Trump's pied piper routing. The guy comes off as a completely unlikable asshole and a bit of a moron to say the least, yet he has enough charisma to somehow get people so riled up that they are crying for witch burnings, even of the Vice President of the United States and cocaine Mitch who both had his back for 4 years.
Looks like I actually wooshed you if this was your reply. Checkmate me!