A tsunami of deaths are likely starting to occur now, assuming people are receiving their second doses on time.
It was December 16 that the media was highlighting people who were getting their first doses. Many articles were written about these people, and names were provided.
I archived many of these articles -- if anyone wants to help me do some digging over the next few days to see if funeral announcements and obituaries are published for any of the names featured in the articles.
Do you really believe those numbers? 1mil dead = 500mil who have had it (not pissed off. Who've had this asymptomatic nothing) = 1 in 16 people on earth?
think my brother.
1 in 16 have not had this.
1 mil have not died from this.
Its total bull
Extrapolate the data
The numbers are all jacked up because they include all infections with similar symptoms. When that's taken into consideration, yeah, the numbers are believable.
Youre saying the numbers are jacked up. And believable.