There’s a reason they want this. Get him out and the left explodes with joy while the right explodes with anger. He only has two weeks left, why not let him finish without adding fuel to the fire? Are they trying to rub salt in the wound? Are they wanting more riots to increase their control? Or are they scared Trump has info they don’t want released? Only bad things can come from them going through with this.
There’s a reason they want this. Get him out and the left explodes with joy while the right explodes with anger. He only has two weeks left, why not let him finish without adding fuel to the fire? Are they trying to rub salt in the wound? Are they wanting more riots to increase their control? Or are they scared Trump has info they don’t want released? Only bad things can come from them going through with this.
And the gall to claim they want unity...
They want US to HEEL - not heal as a nation.