No announcement yet...going to do a sticky soon with updated guidelines too (not rules which we don't really need here).
we have public mod logs btw!
I was the only active mod here for most of the time, and PLC is someone that I trust who I've known for years that was not a moderator on reddit, which is a plus.
No new mods are planned atm, and definitely will announce if so.
No announcement yet...going to do a sticky soon with updated guidelines too (not rules which we don't really need here).
we have public mod logs btw!
I was the only active mod here for most of the time, and PLC is someone that I trust who I've known for years that was not a moderator on reddit, which is a plus.
No new mods are planned atm, and definitely will announce if so.
This is great news; sure, it’s rustling some jimmies but whatever.
If it gets to where we need more, I’ll probably toss my hat into the ring, too.
wtf are you talking about?
pron, spam, and occasional death threats.
sry that's what I meant.
he doesn't have full perms either btw