Ah, the great debate between Idealism v. Materialism. Dark matter would be just another chapter in the Materialism Doctrine/Dogma. Theory backed by theory back by theory back by theory adhering to the concept of the Dogma -> Materialism.
After all the rabbit holes I've been down, I've come to the conclusion that there are just some things humans are not meant to understand (or overstand - more important if you know the meaning(s)). Tis' not the point of this "experience".
Ah, the great debate between Idealism v. Materialism. Dark matter would be just another chapter in the Materialism Doctrine/Dogma. Theory backed by theory back by theory back by theory adhering to the concept of the Dogma -> Materialism.
After all the rabbit holes I've been down, I've come to the conclusion that there are just some things humans are not meant to understand (or overstand - more important if you know the meaning(s)). Tis' not the point of this "experience".
Just my two cents.