Because Trump is such an ideal conservative republican, right? The establishment republicans fought him along side with the establishment media you love so dearly. You claim to be such an enlightened free thinker but all you do is call people names and shill establishment narratives in a conspiracy forum. Give us your reddit username and let us see how much of an unbiased intellectual you are, don't be a pussy
Because Trump is such an ideal conservative republican, right? The establishment republicans fought him along side with the establishment media you love so dearly. You claim to be such an enlightened free thinker but all you do is call people names and shill establishment narratives in a conspiracy forum. Give us your reddit username and let us see how much of an unbiased intellectual you are, don't be a pussy
What establishment narratives have I shilled? I'd love to know.
Okay, now you are just playing retarded
No, I'd really love to know. If that's all I do, then it should be easy for you to pin one on me.
theres a spectrum (ALSO FOR AUTISTS).
its new. its different. its not reddit.
this is like day 1 off liquor.
the blade is sharpening.