if I see someone getting covid-napped, i'll drop whatever I'm doing and defend the Citizen. this is where the rubber meets the road. you see the State or it's representatives doing something immediately threatening to a Citizen's life, gotta get in there and do something about it.
and not just over this covid-1984 bullshit. ANY over-reach by The State or it's representatives needs to be IMMEDIATELY addressed. One motivated, righteous American Citizen with a gun defending another American Citizen from abuse would have turned the Sterling Brown "arrest" into a dramatically different situation.
Dude: How could the German/Russian people allow certain people to be taken to camps
Dudette <who just called the cops on their neighbors for having a Christmas party>: .......
if I see someone getting covid-napped, i'll drop whatever I'm doing and defend the Citizen. this is where the rubber meets the road. you see the State or it's representatives doing something immediately threatening to a Citizen's life, gotta get in there and do something about it.
and not just over this covid-1984 bullshit. ANY over-reach by The State or it's representatives needs to be IMMEDIATELY addressed. One motivated, righteous American Citizen with a gun defending another American Citizen from abuse would have turned the Sterling Brown "arrest" into a dramatically different situation.
time for Citizens to ACT.
You and me both. It is beyond insanity to even propose a bill like this. And of course it is from a libtard.
Republicans who are still living in communist hellhole NY should have braced themselves for this kind of thing a long time ago.