posted ago by Mrexreturns ago by Mrexreturns +63 / -1

Amongst this (potentially) ever-lasting Covid Crisis, remember that the Maoist Antifa are still raving around the urban deathbeds.

This is literally how the CCP goes after you in 1960.

No FEMA Camps, no Gulags, nothing. Just a bunch of intoxicated teens going around and beating, shaming and often killing every other person with an academic record or religious background.

The same happened with the Rwandan endgame in 1994.

Are you surprised that this is exactly how the Elite will go for you?

And this can and will happen as soon as in the upcoming 6 months, not gonna lie but if you see Trump overturning the (obviously rigged votes) and getting a second term anyway, this will be the endgame of America.

The Antifa (and Proud Boys/Neo-Nazis) will NOT rest until they destroy the White House and separate the whole country into 4 militant warlord republics.