Wow. Look at how much of a bigot you are. I’m shocked you would use your privilege to assume my sexual preference. But even if they were accurate I was under the impression that people on your side of the fence believed that minor attracted persons were to be accepted in today’s society?
You people are so obsessed with Reddit. Go back to your storm front.
“You people” what the fuck is that supposed to mean? Bigot.
I mean pedos that hope to see Hunter fucking his niece like you do. You claim to have watched a lot of pedo porn for "research" you sick fucker.
Wow. Look at how much of a bigot you are. I’m shocked you would use your privilege to assume my sexual preference. But even if they were accurate I was under the impression that people on your side of the fence believed that minor attracted persons were to be accepted in today’s society?
You're free to love children if you want, just like the world is free to bring down the consequences on your ass for it.
pig tails and hotpants don't make you a woman
Tell that to Axo, I am a man that was born a man!
you have delusions of adequacy.
You just have delusions.