I thought I’d ask this question in a conspiracy sub as most posters don’t follow societal beliefs. So when they say herpes is “incurable”, surely that is not accurate and there is perhaps something that someone in here knows that rids you of this virus.
Feel free to pm me if you don’t want to expose yourself as having had the virus. Even use a burner account if you must. But someone out there, please help me out
No herp here, but an RN friend had suggested L-Lysine supplement as a prophylactic against Covid back at the beginning of the plannedemic. They said it has antiviral properties and they’d been using it 100% successfully to prevent herp outbreak. They figured if it works for one virus it might be helpful. While I can’t attest to it’s effectiveness against covid, they are adamant that it totally keeps their herp in check. Doesn’t eliminate the virus but may act in keeping it under check.
Coldsore or genital? Doesn’t really make a difference. There is no cure, only treatment via Antiviral therapy.
User name checks out
Lmao this has to be a ToiletPaperUSA troll
cure: get right with God
Herpes prevention starts at the source, which is usually the penis or vagina or mouth or anus hole. Start your investigation there!
Sadly, there is no cure of the virus as far as I know. I get cold sores every few years, normally around this time of the year, ironically. If you've got one coming, Abreva works great. I don't know if it works on the genital variety, though
Valtrex! Take 2 once you feel it and follow that for 3-5 days. Life saver.