There once was a big fat whale and an old decrepit turtle. The whale was so weak that he needed the turtle to protect him at every turn. I forgot to mention this whale was a king. Over the course of his reign, king whale pissed off a lot of the plankton in the ocean so badly that the majority of the plankton decided that they would no longer be ruled by a big fat Orange whale. It was so obvious that the old decrepit turtle could no longer support the whale. The remainder of the plankton, who all loved the turtle before, decided now that the turtle was bad. It didn't matter though. The whale got harpooned by the SDNY and the turtle hung around for many more years ruining the ocean for everyone. The turtle also had blue hands for some reason.
The end.
We're here. Axo only has so many alts. She can't keep the truth downed out forever.
Imagine if it was only me, you and the Axo that are actually here? That would be Hillary-ous.
Nah. Axo has many pawns. Many secrets about her
you two should date
Hello Mr jet airplane, that's a great idea, except due to Covid restrictions we cannot date at the current moment. I will keep it in mind for the future to have a non-binary gender neutral relationship with otherfolk.