I consider myself Christian, but I haven't attended church in over a decade. I found that- as a result of distancing myself from organized religion- my sense of Spirituality and connection to Divinity has deepened beyond anything that a ritualistic hierarchy could inspire. There are no socio-political competitions, no hierarchy of people to obey, there is no authority beyond the words of Christ himself. It's been very refreshing to me- if not a tad lonely sometimes.
I have found solace in speaking with others of like-mind and exchanging concepts/ideas/realizations. I have also been able to explore interesting ideologies and philosophies that would ordinarily get you labeled a heretic in most religions...such as studying the tenets of Buddhism and Sikhism. When it comes to the latter, I have found much resonance and a lot in common with my own understanding of Christianity. As previously mentioned, I consider myself Christian, but I say that because I do my best to live in unanimity with the words of Christ himself.
Mind you, I am a sinner in every sense of the word. I drink, curse and fornicate- but I have devoted myself to understanding truth, extending forgiveness (when applicable) and causing harm to no other living thing (unless it is warranted.)
You had me hooked until the end, I do not understand how you can know Christ and choose not to label yourself His.
I consider myself Christian, but I haven't attended church in over a decade. I found that- as a result of distancing myself from organized religion- my sense of Spirituality and connection to Divinity has deepened beyond anything that a ritualistic hierarchy could inspire. There are no socio-political competitions, no hierarchy of people to obey, there is no authority beyond the words of Christ himself. It's been very refreshing to me- if not a tad lonely sometimes.
I have found solace in speaking with others of like-mind and exchanging concepts/ideas/realizations. I have also been able to explore interesting ideologies and philosophies that would ordinarily get you labeled a heretic in most religions...such as studying the tenets of Buddhism and Sikhism. When it comes to the latter, I have found much resonance and a lot in common with my own understanding of Christianity. As previously mentioned, I consider myself Christian, but I say that because I do my best to live in unanimity with the words of Christ himself.
Mind you, I am a sinner in every sense of the word. I drink, curse and fornicate- but I have devoted myself to understanding truth, extending forgiveness (when applicable) and causing harm to no other living thing (unless it is warranted.)
Divinity will judge me, not man.