President Trump’s signature Sunday on the $2.3 trillion COVID-19 relief and government funding bill started a 180 day countdown for the Pentagon and spy agencies to submit a report on what they know about UFOs.
The trick here is the word "unidentified." What if the military identifies the aerial phenomena as being an advanced craft coming from from zeta reticuli. Now it's an identified object and doesn't need to be included in the UFO report.
Project Blue Beam will be what the government and media use to control and distract the masses once Trump is out of office (whichever year that will be).
Until them, he's the evil boogieman they can use to drive their ratings every day. The second he leaves, they'll need something else in order to sustain the clickbait rage content bullshit they've been peddling for the last 4+ years.
Trump s a fag, prolly banged his son who as nothing to do whiele he shitpsts. Recent presidents songs got to go out. Trump was never in marlago btw, lmao, the preseident never is in the same place you think they are retard.
President Trump’s signature Sunday on the $2.3 trillion COVID-19 relief and government funding bill started a 180 day countdown for the Pentagon and spy agencies to submit a report on what they know about UFOs.
Let's see what happens. This is LONG OVERDUE.
Nothing will be disclosed. The good stuff is kept in the private sector, far away from the prying eyes of us peasants.
The trick here is the word "unidentified." What if the military identifies the aerial phenomena as being an advanced craft coming from from zeta reticuli. Now it's an identified object and doesn't need to be included in the UFO report.
Project Blue Beam will be what the government and media use to control and distract the masses once Trump is out of office (whichever year that will be).
Until them, he's the evil boogieman they can use to drive their ratings every day. The second he leaves, they'll need something else in order to sustain the clickbait rage content bullshit they've been peddling for the last 4+ years.
When it comes to Aliens and UFOs, Stephen Greer is a must watch:
Another must read is Robert Wiegand's "The Light of Darkness"
Trump s a fag, prolly banged his son who as nothing to do whiele he shitpsts. Recent presidents songs got to go out. Trump was never in marlago btw, lmao, the preseident never is in the same place you think they are retard.
You sound retarded, I pity retards not listen to their blabbering.
Projection from a bitch boy with nothing better to do than cry "fAkE nEwS!".
I heard jeffrey epsteins son is deematib
I heard trumps son is actually axolotle.