When digging in most conspiracies, you could notice that many of them somehow connected to the 70-s of XX century.
For example:
Since 70-s we have no any significant scientific discoveries. I mean really game-changing things. Last one was laser. It was real discovery of something simple but never seen before. Totally new thing, that change nearly everything. We see a lot of game-changing discoveries before 70-s, but none after. Just like progress was intentionally stopped. The only significant progress I could see is in the electronics. And it is just miniaturisation of pre 70-s stuff, not something really new. Even in USSR higly promising ternary computers was dropped exactly in 70-s. As somebody said, "we dreamed about flying cars in XXI century, but got only fucking 140 characters in twitter".
Space exploration. As soon as humanity get a technical ability to explore external worlds, (it does not matter, was moon landing a hoax or not, the important thing that it was technically possible) it was limited to habitable LEO stations, nothing more. In 70-s.
Climate. All that dumb thing with fighting climate change started in 70-s.
Firearms restrictions all over the world, prohibition of psychodelics, changing terrorism from "killing political opponents or high rank authorities" to that strange thing they sold us as "terrorism" now (did you notice that only beneficiars of "terrorism" is governments and never ones who blamed? So what is the point for blamed to repeat something completely useless for them again and again?), etc. All that starts in 70-s.
Just check, you will find connection of nearly every conspiracy to something in 70-s.
It's not only my fantasy. Others find that strange and suspicious too. Look at https://wtfhappenedin1971.com/ or https://www.epi.org/publication/raising-americas-pay/ (just check the "Poverty rate, actual and simulated 1959–2012" graph. It shows that right after 70-s, each time poverty rate drops, it inevitably returns to exact value of 15%. This is definitely an intentional thing.)
So, the root and the key of most conspiracies is in something in 70-s. If we find what happened in 70-s and who is behind, we will get a key to nearly every conspiracy we talk about here.
Any suggestions or may be some more evidence?
Worker pay stopped increasing in the early 70s as all imroved productivity got funneled to the bankers instead of going to the workers. That's likely very related. Here's a deep dive into that: https://www.unz.com/article/one-third-of-american-workers-pay-is-being-stolen-heres-how/