Did Trump nationalize the Fed, or did the Fed just swallow up the US?
The thought at the time was that the Federal Reserve, once they bought up the treasury bonds, would have to hedge in favor of the US economy. However, that’s only if they’re trying to make money. Why wouldn’t they want to make money?
The Fed now controls the central bank in EVERY country with the exception of maybe North Korea. What happens if they fail? More specifically, what happens if the Federal Reserve in America fails?
The WORLD economy would fail. We would go into a global depression. At that point, the World Bank (aka the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development) would offer a bailout. They would sell the Fed banks the idea of a one world bank. That way they could control the inflation of currencies and make sure they all rise at the same rate. They would even offer a world fiat currency. Probably the “bancor” seeing as that was the name they thought of back in 1944 at Bretton Woods.
This could be a big part in establishing the One World Government. The Fed may intentionally fail in order for the NWO to take control.
The FED doesn't control other Federal Reserves. The hierarchy is the Fed->IMF (International Monetary Fund)->BIS (Bank for International Settlements). That said, what happened with the Treasury and FED hints awfully close at one of the pillars of NESARA:
Wonder why there is a "cash" and "coin" shortage? Things that make you go: "Hmmmm".
It doesn’t control them per say, but all the national banks are in each other’s pockets. Our federal reserve lends out money to other countries around the world, and their banks do the same to us. It’s all one big system at this point.
The World Bank would be able to act as a bank to the rest of the national banks. The IMF would facilitate the currency exchanges.
I wasn’t familiar with the pillars of NESARA, so I skimmed an article on it. Could you explain how the Federal Reserve and US Treasury would be able to operate side by side? How would this currency exchange take place?
Also, thanks for bringing NESARA to my attention.