posted ago by Vassy ago by Vassy +24 / -9

So the fbi released information about Tesla said he's venusian. He's from the same place Melania is from. Yugoslavia. If the fbi was telling the truth there could be other venusians here on earth. They said the tried talking to the government before to make earth better but our greed got in the way.

But how would I just assume from the same place they must be venusian? How would they know each other? Well john Trump shows up in the article. He got. Tesla's work before the warehouse "caught fire". So just speculation but what if they are connected? Donald and Melania?

The pentagon already released videos of ufos. Aliens are here.

So if she is venusian and they are trying to save us. My other question. If the lizard people are real? Is this venusians versus lizards?

Either way food for thought.