The Homesteading Act could give you (Man or Woman 18+) the option to either take the $2,000 USD check or to obtain 2 (or more) acres of undeveloped land (which there is currently 1.9+ billions acres of in the US) under the premise that you will improve said land and become self sustainable. This land would be tax free for x years. After x years, if you have not complied with the contract, then it becomes taxable. However, if you have complied then it would remain tax free.
I believe this would be far more beneficial to the populace. Which is why it would probably never been done.
What says you?
This goes against Agenda 21/30's "rewilding of America" effort to push rural people into megacities. Therefore, the compromised Congress would never vote for it. I don't think he could do it via executive order.
I think Trump and Co could find a way to do it via Executive Order.
I mean, if he did this, I'd totally take advantage of it.
I think millions of Americans would. Hence, why it would sadly never be done again.