The Homesteading Act could give you (Man or Woman 18+) the option to either take the $2,000 USD check or to obtain 2 (or more) acres of undeveloped land (which there is currently 1.9+ billions acres of in the US) under the premise that you will improve said land and become self sustainable. This land would be tax free for x years. After x years, if you have not complied with the contract, then it becomes taxable. However, if you have complied then it would remain tax free.
I believe this would be far more beneficial to the populace. Which is why it would probably never been done.
What says you?
This goes against Agenda 21/30's "rewilding of America" effort to push rural people into megacities. Therefore, the compromised Congress would never vote for it. I don't think he could do it via executive order.
I think Trump and Co could find a way to do it via Executive Order.
I mean, if he did this, I'd totally take advantage of it.
I think millions of Americans would. Hence, why it would sadly never be done again.
There’s no good unowned land out there anymore. Unfortunately.
The only thing missing is to tie voting to home/land ownership; after this shitshow, I’m thinking that would motivate everyone to do whatever was needed to maintain their end of the deal if they opt for acreage.
That would be nice. And you'd have to do something with the property in order to keep it. Like life there full year to keep it.
That would be one wild 24 hours. I'd be looking for twenty people, and there would probably be forty people looking for me.