I know this place is for conspiracies, but I gotta ask some of you this question.
How the hell do we kick these treasonous creatures out of Congress?
Did you see that bill that they tried to pass? This is criminal.
We are watching the fiscal destruction of this country spiraling down. This mean, all of the money, property, hard work will be devalued and our money won't be worth a damn thing because of these irresponsible, corrupt, and disgusting animals.
It's too much now. I can't take this shit anymore. The people have to change this, now. Or maybe it is too late.
vote with your money.
move your assets into a money you can trust like for me i picked monero for now.
Gold Silver and now bitcoin seem like good stores of value, bitcoin being a fixed supply unlike the dollar.
Also ditch your bank account for a credit union. And if you have a 401k you can manage it yourself and pull out of pro-establishment mutual funds. Like big Christian groups in the US do.
Any way to get monero without going the KYC route? Kind of defeats the purpose of it, IMO.
I'm in the woods in Alaska. Pros and cons.
I am almost 100% in alternative means already, thus I agree with you.
Anyone else in traditional assets like stocks is being delusional. It is going to crash so hard like you've never seen.