posted ago by KMVerum ago by KMVerum +28 / -2

I enjoy tinkering with CSS, and since coming here, I've spent some time tweaking this site into a Custom CSS;

It started out as a simple project for Reddit back in about 2018, but since then, I've gone through several revisions - and ended up including several themes into one.

Current version is compatible across these platforms;

and now; conspiracies.win.

This edition includes custom wallpaper, transitions, custom cursors, responsive inputs, and have an optional Custom scrollbar option available in the description.

Settings might seem a bit overwhelming, but most are ready to go for anyone who just wanna give it a try.

Personally, Link Colours are the only colour-setting I modify - but to each his/her own.

-Recommend using the CSS injector https://add0n.com/stylus.html, seeing it's stripped of telemetry-data gathering features.

I will probably end up tinkering and adding a few elements here and there as time pass by, but the basics are covered.


The wallpapers are hosted on Reddit, so I suggest uploading an image, and let it be converted to BASE64 (automatic process) - thus; avoiding any online digital footprints. (Or keep it colour only).

The official wallpapers are available for DL at

-Or simply pick your own.

In time, I might trim it down to a standalone version, but seeing myself visiting many platforms at once, I've just kept it simple for now; one-size-fits-all if you will.


If userstyles is a bit slow, try this link instead