Rules: Do we need them? Maybe just the basics:
No calls to or threats of physical violence?
No doxxing (actual doxxing like posting home addresses not just discussing social media etc)?
No spam, no pornography (unless specifically conspiracy-related ie Hunter Biden)?
Mods: u/trinadin is coming back on board, but it would be nice to have one more conspiracy-oriented mod and one more design/CSS oriented mod. I don't think we need any more than that. I've already had several folks reach out and maybe this thread would be a good opportunity to throw your hat in the ring.
Priority will be given to those with .win modding experience and/or those NOT on reddit (I'm starting to spend more of my time here anyway).
CSS: We need an the beginning I almost waited to launch this until the CSS looked better, but time was of the essence so we went with what we have now. It was always meant to be only temporary! Let's beef it up. Design isn't really my thing, but I appreciate and recognize how important it is to look sleek, ESPECIALLY when you're presenting controversial and conspiratorial content.
On another note, it seems crucial to limit downvoting to accounts with a certain karma threshold. What should that threshold be? Link and comment karma? What subreddits use this, and what are their thresholds? Is it even possible to implement here?
Other than these drive-by downvoters, this place has been RAD so far.
And something tells me this is only the beginning...
I would love to throw my hat in the ring as mod. I made it to the final rounds of voting for the position on r/conspiracy, but was vetoed by the same mods that have led to it's downfall over the last 4+ years, and allowed it to become the compromised mess that it is today. TMOR has also long had a hard-on for my posts, and have brigaded many of my submissions (which I wear as a badge of honor at this point).
Here is my profile for those interested in my positions on all things conspiracy related.
More than happy to answer any questions from users here regarding my qualifications for the position.
Mod isn't a job, it's working for free while gaining power over people, anyone who asks for it should be automatically disqualified imo
Typically I would agree with you. But I would argue that my goal is to make sure we don't have mods that DO try to gain power over people. The whole point is to maintain free speech, by preventing those kinds of people from getting mod spots.
I've was an r/conspiracy user for 6+ years, and saw what happened to it first hand. As someone who would like to see this place not follow the same path, I'd argue I can bring a unique perspective for how to avoid that happening.
Fucking Axo just banned me over at reddit for disagreeing with his whiny brigade post. He's all about power.