It's about the Covid Scamdemic.
The Elite's tactics against anti-Covid Scamdemic movements is "Ignore".
Great Barrington Declaration? Ignore
Protests within the EU? Ignore
Australian Lawyers? Ignore
The WHO ITSELF comes in and says that lockdowns are useless and tests are useless? IGNORE!!!
And the people?
"Let's ignore this and wear our masks, everything will be over in 0.5-1 year(s) later. Oh and this is a Plandemic that should be blamed on the government for the wrong reasons."
One can only hope that at least 3.5% of any given silent majority, state governors and Congressman suddenly declare TO HELL with the Plandemic and compel the WHO, UN and the Federal Governments to realize their wrongs. Make sure they can no longer ignore the situation at hand.
Because if not, almost anything could happen, arranging from Vaccine Dystopias (and that's the best outcome of the following, mind you), 30+ year Mask and Social Distancing Mandates, Civilian Conduct Patrols, Prosthetic-laden transhumans and/or outright mass bloodshed (that the Elite induce to replace the current human with superior GMO highbreeds and clones)
Ignorance isn't bliss, it is the catalyst to death.
Dude, I see your point but if you're going to be posting this every other day without bringing anything new, as well as comment the same thing on every thread, I will start downvotting you for sliding.