posted ago by ViaBos ago by ViaBos +3 / -7

We all know we are headed to hell if Biden will become president: Even now our country doesn't function; everything is corrupted and skewed towards the left even when there are 10000 cameras that document it and many other kinds of proofs. Our judges became totally controlled, corrupted and full of fear – there is no defense for any current democracy against that.

This cancer grew for a long time, but most importantly to our case here, it continued to grow in the last four years, WHILE Trump WAS THE PRESIDENT.

In other words, he owes it to us no less than whatever we think we owe him. This needs to become clear, very quickly, not just for us, but to him.

Now, it doesn't mean he shouldn't use any reason, excuse or pretense that helps. Obviously there was huge fraud, so he should use that.

This demand shouldn't come empty. It's not about him becoming a president. It's about him using the next four years to reset our systems, build a new and much more robust republic, one that can't be brought to its knees by stupid words – like racist, misogynist – and stupid theories that grows out to be weapons of mass distraction.

Honestly, that's it. What else do you need to agree that if one road takes you to hell, any means justify not taking it?

The only other thing I can do is recommend you read this:

Ordinary lefties will not dare mass with you – not on the street and not via the internet – if you apply the few simple rules/weapons explained there (All extremely legal). Then you will be able to, swiftly and easily, teach your friends about them and even use it together for amusement.

It also demonstrates how to neutralize such stupid but, as it turns out, very dangerous weapons, a thing we didn't do but could have and now will be able to, easily, in the future.