Imagine the Plandemic going until around 2050. By the time the Elite's population control would be complete considering that there's no hope in sight, and what is remaining of the 40 Million global population starts eating and cannibalizing each other, no longer being humans.
Surprisingly enough this isn't really a new concept, they were doing this pre-Covid. My ex was a flight attendant and it was kind of like an inside joke thing between her and her co-workers about Asians wearing diapers and pissing themselves on International flights. I heard quite a few stories.
....aaand youd be right! Theyre getting us all to the boiling point ,where theres jyst so much outrageous shittbeing thrown up in our faces a primal urge will shunt normal behavior to a snapping point, maybe as they dust us with a rage virus to bring it all to their greedy end. I reccomend the davos crowd be freed from earth now
Imagine the Plandemic going until around 2050. By the time the Elite's population control would be complete considering that there's no hope in sight, and what is remaining of the 40 Million global population starts eating and cannibalizing each other, no longer being humans.
Surprisingly enough this isn't really a new concept, they were doing this pre-Covid. My ex was a flight attendant and it was kind of like an inside joke thing between her and her co-workers about Asians wearing diapers and pissing themselves on International flights. I heard quite a few stories.
You should see what the public bathrooms look like in mainland China, they don't even have toilet paper.
....aaand youd be right! Theyre getting us all to the boiling point ,where theres jyst so much outrageous shittbeing thrown up in our faces a primal urge will shunt normal behavior to a snapping point, maybe as they dust us with a rage virus to bring it all to their greedy end. I reccomend the davos crowd be freed from earth now
They are.
It's a torture technique.