Right! They are claiming certain precepts of science as "infallible" -- when the entire model for the scientific method is question and test the validity of hypotheses.
wich is especialy funny because as time goes on nearly ALL science is proven wrong. its some weird fallacy that people obsessivly demand all modern science is for a fact set in stone when in fact after a few decades or hundred years our ways of thinking are proven wrong
2 steps forward, 1 step back. We used to burn people at the stake for suggesting the Greek hypothesis that the earth may, just may, revolve around the Sun be true. You see, back then the science of astronomy was settled, everyone knew the science that the universe revolved around the earth was true and if you didn't except it you were one of those filthy, evil, heathen mofos.
So what you are saying is the rich and powerful engage in pedophilia for both pleasure and control as revealed by Epstein and various whistleblowers out of Hollywood? That Jamie Lynn Spears, who was impregnated by an unnamed Hollywood producer while she was working on a show produced by Dan "Double Dip Spear Whip" Schneider just days before her sister Britney Spears had a total meltdown is valid? That a Belgian case of a human trafficker who was arrested started naming names of the European Union elites and all of a sudden the case and most anyone involved critical was murdered, ahem I mean met with unfortunate accidents, happened? That British "east asian" grooming gangs are often not only overlooked but assisted by the UK state for reasons of procurement happens?
Because if that is what you are suggesting then we live in an evil world that deserves to fucking burn
Hello from KotakuInAction2.win. /r/conspiracy used to be my favorite subreddit years and years ago. Glad to see you guys here. I’m impressed how much traffic is here already. Hope the vibes here can be more the good old days.
Can you believe all it took to 'debunk' was a clearly staged act of violence and then nobody had any explaining to do about the e-mails ever again? Meanwhile there gotta be a ton of us haunted by this shit.
The real answer is that vaccines aren't 100% effective -- there's still a certain chance (5% in the claimed Pfizer case) that you can still get sick as normal, because your immune system doesn't react as expected to the vaccine.
The political answer is that, "we can't know that you're 100% safe, so I guess you have to keep doing what I tell you, sheep."
also theirs the fact that a certain % will instead CATCH what is suposed to vaccinate them
too few people that since a vaccine is a "weakened" version of a virus it can still beat your immune system or worse mutate into a stronger form. meaning blanket mandatory vaccinations spread the virus and create new versions. similar to how if you just spam throw antibiotics at people you create antibiotic resistant infections
simply put the only way for vaccines to work 1. Being responsible and 2. Not everyone getting the vaccine
lol for real, the fact polio vaccines cause polio is horrifying. also i too was banned. but that was for bitching because for like a week straight r/con was all people claiming jews rule the world and are the root of all evil, it got real old and boring fast
Let's call a disease Virus X. If a person gets vaccinated for virus X, then they will not catch X. Even if they are the only ones vaccinated, and everyone else is not, they will not catch Virus X.
However, as a virus lives on, and is transmitted, it begins to mutate, into Virus X2. A person who is vaccinated for Virus X can still potentially catch Virus X2 because they don't have the antibodies to protect themselves from it.
It's why they have a new flu vaccine every year. It's not for the same flu, it's for a different mutation of the flu.
That’s not what they are worried about. You are purposely being misleading. They are worried unvaccinated people will get other unvaccinated people (who can’t get vaccinated due to medical issues) sick.
Yes but 'they' are also completely off base that you could get full compliance on such policies. Human lives are not petri dishes that you can seal off for extended periods of time. Instead of looking at the problem simplistically, like shutting everything down or forcing 100% vaccine compliance, we should do cost/benefit with our precautions.
I agree w/ you, except the elites have looked at cost vs. benefit - it's just that their analysis focuses on the costs and benefits for them, not for most Americans. They decided that middle class people losing their small businesses is acceptable and that people not being able to pay rent is no big deal. Those issues don't affect them.
Your right of course, I was speaking in terms of what the policy would be IF WE WEREN'T controlled by a psychopathic technocracy that seeks to de-populate and enslave us.
the elites WANT the mid to lower upper class landowners to lose their properties. Scoop more assets up cheap when the Great reset kicks in. 500 years of struggle against serfdom and chattel slavery going up in smoke simply because dumbshits care more about made up social justice bs than they do about the reality of class struggle, economics and freedoms they have taken for granted their entire lives.
Well, ignore others rights you might as well lose your own.
I was banned from plebbit simply for telling people that cancel culture, deplatforming and tech company censorship was the darkest path imaginable to walk, but as long as the targets were people they didn't like they didn't care. But they will learn. And we will watch them comply because slavery is freedom
You're absolutely right about their strategy behind this. The biggest winners of the Holocough have been the massive corporations that have the capital to adapt to or survive the shutdowns. The rest of us are quickly losing any means of self-reliance.
They know what they're doing. Everything political agenda being pushed right now is driving us towards a kind of corporate feudalism. No borders, no property, no privacy, no free speech. Monopolies in every industry, everyone is a debt slave, no real culture except consumerism.
As for Reddit, I haven't been on there in ages. I don't even see the point of using normal social media anymore, it's not set up for having real discussions anyway. All of the content is curated and the interactions are censored. Everything is either trying to sell you a product or brainwash you into accepting slavery and genocide.
And the people who consume the most social media are miserable. My life has only gotten better since I dropped it and started focusing on better ways to spend my time.
You are correct.
From a purely epidemiological standpoint, there are two problems though:
A. They don't know if any of the current vaccines prevent infection with SARS-CoV-2. What they do know is that those who reveiced the vaccine are less likely to die from Covid-19. They don't know if those people are less likely to contract SARS-CoV-2, or have an asymptomatic infection, or get Covid-19 in a more moderate form (not leading to death).
On this note: people who received vaccines such as BCG in the past are significantly less likely to run into any problems with SARS-CoV-2, anyway. So there might be some underlying immunological mechanism there that does not have anything to do with the SARS-CoV-2 vaccine specifically.
B. Since they don't know if those who received the SARS-CoV-2 vaccine can or cannot contract a SARS-CoV-2 infection, as outlined in point A., they also don't know if those people do not continue to spread the virus.
(E.g. if the vaccine merely lessens the symptoms of an infection you'll end up with more asymptomatically infected people who spread the virus far wider than symptomatic ones).
Right! They are claiming certain precepts of science as "infallible" -- when the entire model for the scientific method is question and test the validity of hypotheses.
Scientism. Not science.
wich is especialy funny because as time goes on nearly ALL science is proven wrong. its some weird fallacy that people obsessivly demand all modern science is for a fact set in stone when in fact after a few decades or hundred years our ways of thinking are proven wrong
2 steps forward, 1 step back. We used to burn people at the stake for suggesting the Greek hypothesis that the earth may, just may, revolve around the Sun be true. You see, back then the science of astronomy was settled, everyone knew the science that the universe revolved around the earth was true and if you didn't except it you were one of those filthy, evil, heathen mofos.
Sounds like the catholic church and all the pope/heresy bullshit that went on. That is how they worship science.
Worship is the right word, if you can't question science it's not science.
Pizzagate is fucking real news.
Wow, I can say PizzaGate and not get banned. I like it here!
So what you are saying is the rich and powerful engage in pedophilia for both pleasure and control as revealed by Epstein and various whistleblowers out of Hollywood? That Jamie Lynn Spears, who was impregnated by an unnamed Hollywood producer while she was working on a show produced by Dan "Double Dip Spear Whip" Schneider just days before her sister Britney Spears had a total meltdown is valid? That a Belgian case of a human trafficker who was arrested started naming names of the European Union elites and all of a sudden the case and most anyone involved critical was murdered, ahem I mean met with unfortunate accidents, happened? That British "east asian" grooming gangs are often not only overlooked but assisted by the UK state for reasons of procurement happens?
Because if that is what you are suggesting then we live in an evil world that deserves to fucking burn
Pizzagate days were the best. So exciting before the sub was deleted. Blatant censorship and coverup.
i only yesturday got into pizza gate and holy shit theirs literal videos of them joking about raping children, wtf???
Gee, because those pizzagate conspiracies lead right back to a certain man named Podesta.
Hello from KotakuInAction2.win. /r/conspiracy used to be my favorite subreddit years and years ago. Glad to see you guys here. I’m impressed how much traffic is here already. Hope the vibes here can be more the good old days.
Make PizzaGate exposed again
Can you believe all it took to 'debunk' was a clearly staged act of violence and then nobody had any explaining to do about the e-mails ever again? Meanwhile there gotta be a ton of us haunted by this shit.
ironically, it's the vaccinated who can give diaeases to the unvaccinated due to shedding
Please stop, this level of thinking is dangerous for our democracy
I was banned from r/conspiracy about 2.5 years ago by one of their socialist mods.
A kindred soul! Welcome to the party! Just don't forget any pizza-related map handkerchiefs with your real estate agent!
The real answer is that vaccines aren't 100% effective -- there's still a certain chance (5% in the claimed Pfizer case) that you can still get sick as normal, because your immune system doesn't react as expected to the vaccine.
The political answer is that, "we can't know that you're 100% safe, so I guess you have to keep doing what I tell you, sheep."
also theirs the fact that a certain % will instead CATCH what is suposed to vaccinate them https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-020-02501-3 too few people that since a vaccine is a "weakened" version of a virus it can still beat your immune system or worse mutate into a stronger form. meaning blanket mandatory vaccinations spread the virus and create new versions. similar to how if you just spam throw antibiotics at people you create antibiotic resistant infections
simply put the only way for vaccines to work 1. Being responsible and 2. Not everyone getting the vaccine
Maxwellhill still has not posted anything since Ghislaine Maxwell was arrested https://www.reddit.com/user/maxwellhill/
A warm welcome from the quiet corner known as consumeproduct.win
lol for real, the fact polio vaccines cause polio is horrifying. also i too was banned. but that was for bitching because for like a week straight r/con was all people claiming jews rule the world and are the root of all evil, it got real old and boring fast
There's a slight misunderstanding.
Let's call a disease Virus X. If a person gets vaccinated for virus X, then they will not catch X. Even if they are the only ones vaccinated, and everyone else is not, they will not catch Virus X.
However, as a virus lives on, and is transmitted, it begins to mutate, into Virus X2. A person who is vaccinated for Virus X can still potentially catch Virus X2 because they don't have the antibodies to protect themselves from it.
It's why they have a new flu vaccine every year. It's not for the same flu, it's for a different mutation of the flu.
Except that 2020 cured influenza.
Lovely archived pizzagate thread https://archive.fo/MrsGu
Welcome back!
That’s not what they are worried about. You are purposely being misleading. They are worried unvaccinated people will get other unvaccinated people (who can’t get vaccinated due to medical issues) sick.
Yes but 'they' are also completely off base that you could get full compliance on such policies. Human lives are not petri dishes that you can seal off for extended periods of time. Instead of looking at the problem simplistically, like shutting everything down or forcing 100% vaccine compliance, we should do cost/benefit with our precautions.
I agree w/ you, except the elites have looked at cost vs. benefit - it's just that their analysis focuses on the costs and benefits for them, not for most Americans. They decided that middle class people losing their small businesses is acceptable and that people not being able to pay rent is no big deal. Those issues don't affect them.
Your right of course, I was speaking in terms of what the policy would be IF WE WEREN'T controlled by a psychopathic technocracy that seeks to de-populate and enslave us.
the elites WANT the mid to lower upper class landowners to lose their properties. Scoop more assets up cheap when the Great reset kicks in. 500 years of struggle against serfdom and chattel slavery going up in smoke simply because dumbshits care more about made up social justice bs than they do about the reality of class struggle, economics and freedoms they have taken for granted their entire lives.
Well, ignore others rights you might as well lose your own.
I was banned from plebbit simply for telling people that cancel culture, deplatforming and tech company censorship was the darkest path imaginable to walk, but as long as the targets were people they didn't like they didn't care. But they will learn. And we will watch them comply because slavery is freedom
You're absolutely right about their strategy behind this. The biggest winners of the Holocough have been the massive corporations that have the capital to adapt to or survive the shutdowns. The rest of us are quickly losing any means of self-reliance.
They know what they're doing. Everything political agenda being pushed right now is driving us towards a kind of corporate feudalism. No borders, no property, no privacy, no free speech. Monopolies in every industry, everyone is a debt slave, no real culture except consumerism.
As for Reddit, I haven't been on there in ages. I don't even see the point of using normal social media anymore, it's not set up for having real discussions anyway. All of the content is curated and the interactions are censored. Everything is either trying to sell you a product or brainwash you into accepting slavery and genocide.
And the people who consume the most social media are miserable. My life has only gotten better since I dropped it and started focusing on better ways to spend my time.
if its one thing authoritarions love to do is pretend human life is a commodity to be controled
You are correct. From a purely epidemiological standpoint, there are two problems though:
A. They don't know if any of the current vaccines prevent infection with SARS-CoV-2. What they do know is that those who reveiced the vaccine are less likely to die from Covid-19. They don't know if those people are less likely to contract SARS-CoV-2, or have an asymptomatic infection, or get Covid-19 in a more moderate form (not leading to death). On this note: people who received vaccines such as BCG in the past are significantly less likely to run into any problems with SARS-CoV-2, anyway. So there might be some underlying immunological mechanism there that does not have anything to do with the SARS-CoV-2 vaccine specifically.
B. Since they don't know if those who received the SARS-CoV-2 vaccine can or cannot contract a SARS-CoV-2 infection, as outlined in point A., they also don't know if those people do not continue to spread the virus. (E.g. if the vaccine merely lessens the symptoms of an infection you'll end up with more asymptomatically infected people who spread the virus far wider than symptomatic ones).
So 99.98% vs 99.99998% or so?
I believe what they are saying now is that vaccinated people can still get unvaccinated people sick.
Not all people can take the vaccines due to allergies. You can also provide a place where the virus can thrive and mutate.