trumpertearz 1 point ago +1 / -0

Kurt himself said that white people "should not rap" yet Cuomo does rap in a few songs and uses slang like "homies" in Buddy Holly - I think he was also trying to do this to avoid people calling him a hypocrite and perhaps having a passion for it too. Admittedly total change of styles but undoubtedly the same brain behind it all.

trumpertearz 1 point ago +1 / -0

Their songs share an undeniable amount of similar topics and themes, though I do admit "Rivers" does have more technical skill on his side. If they are not the same physical individual I do think that at least a soul transfer was present.

trumpertearz 3 points ago +3 / -0

Surgery is possible man. You know how they did Paul McCartney, lookalikes are aplenty.